If you are contacting us to order a cover, please provide the following in your email:
1: Author name you want displayed
2: Book title
3: Genre of the book
4: Brief description of what you might have in mind (optional)
5: Links to covers with styles you like (optional)
6: Your website (optional)
Custom-made Ebook Cover: $199
Boxset Cover: $199
Full Layout for Print: $50
Banners and Ads: $50
Audio Cover: $30
Trailer: $399 and up
Please note that payment will be due after the cover is made and you're happy with it. Payment methods include Paypal and all major credit cards.
You can email us at probookcovers@gmail.com if you prefer not to use the contact form below.

If you are ordering a cover, please provide as much detail as possible about what you're looking for. This will help us complete your project in a timely fashion. If you are ordering a print cover from an eBook cover we've already designed, please make sure to provide the back blurb, trim size, and page count.